Home > Emigrain Products > Horeca > Al Awal > Al Awal Harees

Al Awal Harees


  • Harees is polished premium wheat made from clean and
    premium sound wheat.
  • Typical wheat with sweet scent and taste, free from musty bitter,
    rancid and other un-desirable flavor and odor.
  • Harees has high calories, full of nutrition and rich source of protein and fiber.

Key Attributes

  • Protein – High
  • Color – Pearled light brown.
  • Aroma – Good.
  • Fiber- High


  • Haleem, Hareesa soup, Harees with meat product- Meat porridge,
  • Emirati whole wheat mash, Mutton Haleem.

Available in

  • 40 Kg & 10 Kg Polypropylene woven bags.

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